Casa San Blas

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Casa San Blas, located on Cuesta San Blas, was our lodging for three nights on the front end of our trip and one night on our return from the Amazon River Basin. In between it all, well, as our guide Danny liked to say, “The road is complicated.”  More on this to follow.

The Cuesta San Blas image was taken at 5:30 am on the “street” just outside Casa San Blas and a half hour before beginning our trip up and over the Andes into the Cloud Forest and eventually to the Madre de Dios River which then took us to the Manu River and points unknown. During the day and late into the evening the narrow streets of Cusco were filled with tourists and vendors haggling over goods and services. Amazingly, cars negotiated the streets with ample dexterity, honking their horns frequently. I want to say here that on the wider roads and streets the white strips denoting lanes were ignored. Two lane roads were considered to be three and sometimes four lanes as everyone jockeyed for position. Chaos and total insanity pursued!
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It is important to know that the elevation of Cusco is 11,152 feet. And you might note that Cuesta San Blas, which leads into the heart of Cusco, is rather steep.  More than a few expletives were issued with what little breathe I had each time we hoofed it back to the club house after touring the city.

So our trip into the Amazon River Basin really begins here. And yes, the road was complicated.

This entry was posted in Cusco, Peru.

One Comment

  1. Esther Corcoran May 5, 2017 at 1:40 pm #

    Loving your pictures from Peru! The one of the street is amazing!

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